Thursday, June 19, 2008

This is a backdrop I painted for a stop motion animation project back in undergrad (2003 to be precise) on my knees in the hallway on Thanksgiving day in 5 hours.  I later glued it onto a piece of fabric using fabric glue to make it more flexible and more durable. The whole thing is about 1.5 meters wide and .9 meters tall so it didn't even fit on the floor of my then dorm room. Now it has become a must of my wall decor wherever I happen to live. I hang it up and it looks like home... Click on the picture to view a larger version.

Monday, June 16, 2008

Christmas Ornaments

I made these as Christmas presents in the late fall of 2007. The essentially consist of styrofoam balls covered with a thin layer of celluclay and a loop of wire coat hanger attached with a bit of epoxy putty (I have been using Magic Sculpt most times).

Hi everyone,

I decided to start a blog to share my artwork/craftwork with the rest of the world. I am a Molecular, Cellular and Developmental Biology grad student at a university that shall remain unnamed (unless you happen to know where some scenes in the new Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull were shot)by day and avid crafter by night (although, sadly, not most nights). Most of my work is divided into two categories: 

(1)work that is done while doing something else (watching movies, talking on the phone) and does not require massive amounts of inspiration/groove/insert term for artistic beyond here. These generally include crochet, beading (French beaded flowers and jewellery), knitting, and maybe some finishing touches on work from category (2).

(2)dollmaking (initially started as a step in making stop motion animation), making chess sets (currently three in the works and none finished, gosh I really didn't realise that 32 means 10+10+10+2 and that three times over when I started) - much much more on the chess sets later, lots of multimedia stuff and some painting (with acrylics). I used to be into manga as a teen (watched lots of Sailor Moon in my day and even designed my own character for the series), as well as ink drawing and as recently as college I used to do illustrations for Tolkien's The Silmarillion, but this has taken the back seat since I got into dolls and more three-dimensional stuff. I am also working on a full-sized doll, that has been dubbed 'the Monster'. Since it's modelled after me it's about 5'8, but it spends most of its time seated in a special chair I spent my time reupholstering last summer. So come back often since I will be posting lots of pictures and hopefully even videos.