Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Finishing Projects Part 2: Self-portrait with Blouse and Apples

Now for #2, which actually has a title: Self-portrait with Blouse and Apples (all puns very much intended). I just couldn't bear to part with this shirt... It was never very pretty, the whole lumberjack-lass meets peasant girl, theme, and when the holes that wore through where my arm rubbed against the underwire of my bras (gosh, I wish they made kelvar breastplates) after being sewn back more than once, I decided to retire the shirt to nobler purposes. And since breasts are, after all a defining feature of mine, I couldn't let the blouse be all sad and, ahem, deflated, so I recruited the help of a no-longer serviceable bra (it's an E-cup), the proverbial balled-up socks, some batting, some more magic, and voila! And then I made the apples. The whole thing is 24x18 inches. Haven't measured depth

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